Blended learning and art teaching
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digital education
blended learning
art teaching

How to Cite

FidlerM., & PrestesR. F. (2024). Blended learning and art teaching: report of an experience in early childhood education. Boletim Técnico-Científico, 9(1), 1-19.


The Covid-19 pandemic brought important changes in Brazilian education. The need to assist students remotely accelerated a process that was already quite consolidated in higher education: the use of technological tools for distance learning. Suddenly teachers had to adapt to new methodologies mediated by technology, at first with distance learning, through activities accessed remotely by students, later in a hybrid system, when students took turns to attend school in order to maintain social distancing. Although face-to-face classes in basic education have returned today, the value of the educational tools that were explored during the period of social distancing should not be disregarded. Thus, the concept of blended education, challenges for its application and potential benefits are presented here. At the end, there is an experience report on how digital tools were used during the year 2020, in a Preschool class, making it possible to continue the Project “Art Reinterpretation”, based on the Triangular Approach to art teaching proposed by Ana Mae Barbosa. The results obtained were positive, favoring the theory that digital technologies and blended learning have the potential to contribute to the teaching of art in Basic Education.
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