Games in Mathematics classes - extension pedagogical practice in initial teacher training
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Teaching Mathematics; Teacher training; Extension curriculum.

How to Cite

BrochS. C., Clemente LimaL., & Cavalheiro de OliveiraR. (2023). Games in Mathematics classes - extension pedagogical practice in initial teacher training. Boletim Técnico-Científico, 8(1), 1-17.


This article presents and reflects on a teaching practice developed with students from the Mathematics Degree Course in an extension pedagogical activity in the school community. During classes at IFFar, students used recyclable materials and reused different objects to build games that could be used in Mathematics classes in Elementary School. They made a form with rules and characteristics of each game, as well as studied and analyzed skills and strategies used during the development of the games. At the end of the semester, the academics went to a school to develop the games with 6th and 7th grade students in the Mathematics class. The use of games in classes is a pedagogical resource that shows good results, as it makes the class more dynamic and interactive, making students more interested and happy in the development of mathematical skills. It also enables students to develop methods of reasoning and problem solving and stimulate their creativity. The focus of these pedagogical actions is the academic's experience with the teaching role in the regional educational reality, in an action of partnership and exchange of learning at school, with a view to broader initial training of future teachers and the contribution of improving the quality of teaching at the school. Math. Therefore, they are activities that integrate teaching and extension into the initial training curriculum of new teachers.
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