Effect of nanocomposite films on chemical-fermentative characteristics of corn silage
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nanocomposite films

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MesquitaP. J. P. de; BarbosaR.; Soares AlvesT.; Silveira VolcanD.; Cerato ConfortinA. C.; Pilar MedeirosE. Effect of nanocomposite films on chemical-fermentative characteristics of corn silage. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-23, 10 Jun. 2024.


In this work, the bromatological properties of corn silage using different sealing films were analyzed. High-density polyethylene (BPEAD)/organophilic clay (3 and 6%), commercial antimicrobial additive (0.5 and 1%) nanocomposite films containing 1% zinc pyrithione dispersed in vinyl acetate (EVA) were used. The nanocomposite films were prepared in a single screw extruder using the fusion intercalation technique and later by flat extrusion to obtain films with a thickness of 60 to 200 µm. A 200 µm commercial double-sided tarpaulin was also used for comparison purposes. PVC experimental silos were used and after 45 days the silage was evaluated for losses due to aerobic deterioration, gases and effluents, density, sensory evaluation, pH, aerobic stability, dry mass, mineral and organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, and carbohydrates. All bromatological parameters analyzed were within the ranges required for the production of quality silage, and it wasn’t possible to observe significant variation in chemical-fermentative characteristics depending on the seal used. The results of the nanocomposite films produced showed the same performance in terms of silage conservation as the commercial canvas.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Priscylla Jordânia Pereira de Mesquita, Renata Barbosa, Tatianny Soares Alves, Darla Silveira Volcan, Anna Carolina Cerato Confortin, Elton Pilar Medeiros


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