Interaction and collaboration resourses in digital tools
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digital tools
interaction and collaboration
teacher training

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Lunardi FogliatoC.; Turchiello de Oliveira A. L.; BorbaE. F. Interaction and collaboration resourses in digital tools: reflections from continuing education. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-23, 5 Sep. 2023.


This study focuses on interaction and collaboration resources present in digital tools used in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) training offered to teachers in the city of Canguçu (RS, Brazil) in 2022. This training is part of the actions of the Project “Compartir”, developed by public servants of the Federal Institute Farroupilha (IFFar). The general objective of this article is to analyze collaboration and interaction resources present in digital tools used in a distance training, to answer the following research problem: to what extent did the digital tools used in adistance training contribute to collaborative participation and interaction? The methodological structure conducted on this paper is quadrilateral: approach, theoretical framework, procedure and technique. The approach is a deductive one with a quali-quantitative nature and the theoretical framework is the Informational Society, based on authors such as Manuel Castells and Pierre Lévy. Regarding the procedure, the research is classified as a case study, and as a data collection technique, direct observation, documents and records of the aforementioned training will be used. The main results of this study indicate that the interaction and collaboration resources used were essential for the success of the training, permitting communication with the course participants and the development of work among the instructors.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Charline Lunardi Fogliato, André Luiz Turchiello de Oliveira , Eder Fernando Borba


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