Ensino-aprendizagem matemática no Ensino Médio e sua relação com a afetividade
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High school

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Vieira de MeloE.; Meurer de Souza CastroD.; Lima BarbosaJ. A. Ensino-aprendizagem matemática no Ensino Médio e sua relação com a afetividade. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-18, 2 Dec. 2024.


Understanding student emotions, beliefs, and attitudes is essential for developing teaching-learning strategies that improve engagement and academic performance, particularly concerning mathematics, a subject in which many students have trouble. Thus, this article aims to expose the understanding of affectivity in relationships involving the teaching and learning of mathematics to Integrated High School (EM - High School) students at the Federal Institute of Alagoas. The exploratory study involved bibliographical research and a data collection phase where information was collected about beliefs, attitudes, and emotions related to student affectivity and its impact on learning. The responses were analyzed using the Likert scale. A greater influence of affectivity, specifically on mathematical learning, was recorded in students in the 1st year of EM compared to those in the 2nd and 3rd year. This way, the present study provides support to improve the training of educators and register evidence about the importance of affectivity in the educational context, supporting public policies and pedagogical practices aligned to the emotional needs of students.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Enaldo Vieira de Melo, Diogo Meurer de Souza Castro, Jennefer Aline Lima Barbosa


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