Fermentation of plant foods and health benefits
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Fruits and Vegetables
Functional food

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StredaK.; Severo J. Fermentation of plant foods and health benefits. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-22, 19 Jan. 2024.


Fermentation is an ancient technique used by different cultures that, in addition to preserving, results in compounds beneficial to health. The consumption of functional foods, such as prebiotics and probiotics, is growing worldwide, due to the numerous benefits related to their consumption. Foods fermented from vegetables appear as an alternative for consumers with dietary or ideological restrictions and seek a healthy diet. In the fermentation of vegetables, a series of reactions occur, mediated by microorganisms and enzymes, which will influence the flavor, aroma and compounds produced, with the obtaining of potentially functional final products. In this article, we sought to address, through a bibliographic review carried out in the main databases, works related to fermented foods of vegetable origin, with emphasis on aspects related to health and functional components. Brazil has great potential for the reserch of fermented products of plant origin, in view of the great diversity of plants, so research should be conducted for the development and improvement of these products, resulting in potentially functional and commercially interesting foods.

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