Teaching and health education
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health education
preventive health
teacher training

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Ramos LutzM.; Santos dos SantosC.; de Oliveira L. Teaching and health education: analysis of the approach to preventive health in Elementary School II from the perspective of teachers. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-23, 31 Mar. 2023.


Given the importance of schooling in citizenship development, it is essential that several issues are addressed, among them health. Usually, Science teachers are responsible for discussing these issues. Thus, this research aims at analyzing the approach to Preventive Health in the Science subject in Elementary School II, at Alegrete state schools and understanding teachers' perception about how to approach this issue and students’ receptivity on Health Education at school. The research, classified as qualitative and experimental, was conducted through questionnaires sent to teachers, including open questions about the topics ‘Health Education’ and ‘Preventive Health’. The data collected was analyzed based on Content Analysis, and the results revealed that the teachers explore this theme in their classes and it produces positive outcomes. However, they reported that there are gaps related to a limited approach to Health Education and Preventive Health, both in the undergraduate course in Biological Sciences and in continuing education for teachers. It is suggested that altering the syllabuses in undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, teacher training for improving pedagogical proposals on these topics, promoting interdisciplinary discussions on such topics with other subjects, following what is recommended by the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) in the future, are actions that can lead to more successful and promising results for the development of a qualified Basic Education.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Mauricio Ramos Lutz, Caroline Santos dos Santos, Luciano de Oliveira


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