Use of a SIG-T as a support in the condition analysis of asphalt pavements
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geographic information systems

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GimenesL.; Barbosa FonteneleH.; Alberto Prado da Silva JuniorC. Use of a SIG-T as a support in the condition analysis of asphalt pavements. Revista de Ciência e Inovação, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-17, 1 Jan. 2024.


In order to direct better the resources allocated to infrastructure, the Pavement Management System uses pavement evaluation methods to verify the functional and structural conditions of the roads. Nowadays, Geographic Information Systems have been used very frequently to help the Pavement Management System. The present study aims to compare two types of methods for assessing the condition of flexible pavements: the subjective and the objective. In this research the subjective evaluation with and without the use of a visual reference scale and the objective method of the Pavement Condition Index were used. The results of the evaluations were compared with the aid of a Geographic Information System for Transport from the generation of thematic maps. It was possible to observe that both methods of evaluation can be used, since they present consistent results with each other. Besides it is concluded that the use of a Geographic Information System for Transport can help in future elaborations and studies of plans for pavements maintenance and rehabilitation.
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