The academic literature presents different conceptual propositions, systematic reviews and state of the art analyzes that systematize the phenomenon of ecosystems and contribute to their consolidation as a theory. In this sense, the objective of this theoretical essay is to clarify the discussions on ecosystems, presenting a conceptual panorama on the topic and its applications in the area of management and innovation. Publications of the last five years (2018-2022) have been emphasised, as well as classic works dealing with the topic and which have contributed contributed to the evolution of the use of the concept in the area of management and innovation. After an overview of what ecosystems are and their different conceptual propositions, including the three different generations of studies - a) construction, b) experimentation and c) understanding - the four main types of ecosystems were discussed: discuss the four main types of ecosystems: business, innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge, as well as their levels of analysis - strategic and regional. The article also provides examples of ecosystem applications, and draws attention to the proper use of terms. Finally, possibilities for future empirical research and contributions to ecosystem studies are suggested in order to consolidate the theory in the context of management and innovation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Camila Coletto, Leonardo Caliari, Daniela Callegaro-de-Menezes