Functional validation of the Relax pig system through cases test prepared based on IEEE 829 Standard and implemented in the Selenium Framework
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test cases
functional validation
web system

How to Cite

OribesE., RozaJ., VasconcellosC., SaucedaT., OliveiraJ., & SantosC. (2024). Functional validation of the Relax pig system through cases test prepared based on IEEE 829 Standard and implemented in the Selenium Framework. Boletim Técnico-Científico, 9(1), 1-16.


This work aims to present a case study on the functional validation of the Relax Pig system using test cases based on the IEEE 829 Standard and implemented with the Selenium IDE framework. Ten test cases were developed and executed, allowing the identification, documentation, and correction of errors found during the system testing phase. The tests were carried out on the Relax Pig system, developed for the pig farming sector at the Federal Institute Farroupilha Campus Alegrete. The main focus of this work is to present the process of developing and applying functional tests, with the aim of improving the efficiency of the software testing process, as well as the quality and reliability of the investigated system.
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