Relax pig: system to support in monitoring porcine stress syndrome
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porcine stress syndrome

How to Cite

MottaM., OliveiraJ., SaucedaT., VasconcellosC., FontouraJ., & SantosC. (2024). Relax pig: system to support in monitoring porcine stress syndrome. Boletim Técnico-Científico, 9(1), 1-17.


Pig farming is an activity that involves raising pigs for food production, being an essential source of animal protein consumption. Pig farming can be divided into different stages. For all stages it is necessary to have adequate facilities and management. Pig production can be carried out in an intensive or extensive system. At the Federal Institute Farroupilha, Campus Alegrete, pig farming is carried out in an intensive system, in which pig management is carried out using stalls and cages. Therefore, it is more common for pigs to develop Porcine Stress Syndrome (PSS). Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the factors that cause stress in the animal. This work presents a responsive system to assist in this process. The system was developed based on the V methodology so that the planning and construction stages were interpolated with tests.
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